The coordinators are:

Lucy Krul

Lucy is a qualified German teacher, linguist, literary scholar, sworn translator and interpreter. She has been giving German language courses at all language levels (A1-C2) for more than 15 years. Teaching is her passion. As a reliable, committed and competent German teacher, she designs the lessons according to her clients’ wishes and needs. Her goal is always to achieve optimal results.

In 2017, she founded the ActiLingua language institute with the desire to design courses based on activating, active and interactive principles.

LinkedIn Lucy Krul

Szilvia Szita

Szilvia is a German teacher, linguist and author of language books and grammars for German as a foreign language. Since her childhood she has been fascinated by how people of all ages are able to learn something new. This requires motivation and endurance.

She is interested in the latest research results in linguistics and makes a point to incorporate them into her lessons to increase the learning effect.

She thinks that the time invested in language learning should be worthwhile and she does everything so that her clients take a positive learning experience from her courses.

LinkedIn Szilvia Szita


ActiLingua – activating, active and interactive

ActiLingua is a Language Centre for German, French, English and Dutch. Our students learn these languages in activating, interactive and active ways.

Activating learning is long-term learning

Our lessons are activating. In the lessons we activate and perfect your language skills. You actively deal with various topics and practice in an effective way. You connect new knowledge with old knowledge. In this way you will store what you have learned for the long term.

Create active input = Create active output

Our active methods combine all skills (reading, listening, writing and speaking) and ensures that you achieve high progression within a short period of time.

Interactive learning

Language learning is interaction. Every situation in which real communication takes place is helpful for language learning. That is why interaction occupies a central place in our lessons. Our interactive approach also promotes individual learning strategies.

Our teaching style and methods are activating, active and interactive – as the name ‘ActiLingua’ suggests.

Our language school focuses on working with plurilingual and multicultural learners. We are happy to adapt to our clients’ needs and take their wishes and interests into account.

We select our teachers based on their CV, their diplomas and references and a trial lesson with ActiLingua clients.

Our team brings teachers together who

  • are plurilingual themselves
  • have lived abroad and are able to understand the special needs and expectations of expats
  • have taught multicultural target groups
  • have an academic background
  • are familiar with recent research results on language learning
  • are innovative
  • are able and willing to create special materials for language teaching

The curricula created by ActiLingua are in line with the requirements of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).

Variety of methods

Our landmark is the variety of methods. We strongly believe that different learning activities largely contribute to the mastery of all areas of a language. The weighting should therefore not be too one-sided. A wide range of meaningful activities adapted to your learning type will help you to quickly progress in the acquisition of the chosen language.

Our method

Your commitment, our expertise

Are you looking for effective learning methods? Then try our lessons!
Our lessons are goal- and result-oriented. We focus on your goals. We discuss your questions and practice what you have learned. We systematically incorporate new results of linguistics and language didactics into the lessons so that the learning effect becomes remarkable.

Practice-oriented learning

We work with authentic, practice-oriented and pragmatic learning materials. The contents to be conveyed are realistic and help you to cope as quickly as possible with the situations you want to cope with.
Our course participants experience the learnt languages as a real means of communication.
We design our lessons to be as versatile as possible. We focus on communicative situations and authentic speaking occasions.

Advantages of our method

Our lessons are:

  • purposefully
  • result-oriented

Our lessons offer:

  • activating, active and interactive forms of work
  • variety of methods
  • authentic intercom occasions
  • practice-oriented and pragmatic learning materials
  • optimal learning results

If you are interested in a language training course with an optimal learning result, you can request a brochure without obligation.

We would be very pleased to work with you.


Course offering

We offer the following professional courses, trainings and workshops at your company or on our premises:

  • German, French, English and Dutch for professionals (levels A1-C2)
  • General German, French, English and Dutch (Levels A1-C2)
  • Teacher training

The courses can be offered in the form of Blended Learning.

In a combination of face-to-face and online tuition, the students benefit from two different but complementary teaching methods to enhance their learning experience.

Blended learning courses consist of the following two elements:

  • The participants attend classes where they practise with their fellow students.
  • The participants work online using the ActiLingua learning platform.

You can request our free brochure on courses, training and workshops here.

Business communication and professional language

The following topics can be covered in the Business Communication course: contact, product information, order processing, sales negotiations, price negotiations, staff meetings, visitor support, company conferences, telephone calls, business trips, business lunches, sales contracts, trade fair participation, trade fair activities.

On request, we can also arrange courses on other topics in the field of business communication.

We offer professional language courses in the following fields, among others:

  • for lawyers and European / international civil servants
  • for tax officials
  • for technicians, engineers and IT specialists
  • for cultural officers (press, museums, various events)
  • for the tourism industry (tourist information, travel agencies, hotels, bungalow parks, campsites)
  • for the transport sector (aviation, rail transport, shipping, logistics)

On request, we also organize and run other job-specific language courses (e.g. courses for doctors, for the real estate industry, for artists).

General language course (levels A1-C2)

(all target groups, including pupils and students)

Our offer includes compact courses, longer courses and examination trainings.

On request, we organize and run language courses for exam preparation (all categories of exams, e.g. school examinations, university examinations, official language examinations).

Please ask for our brochure on courses and trainings here.

Workshops in the field of methodology and didactics

We are happy to help you make your courses more effective and activating. The following workshops are aimed at foreign language teachers:

  • Effective vocabulary teaching
  • Interactive grammar teaching
  • Error correction: when and how?
  • Feedback
  • Techniques of cooperative learning
  • Activating learning forms at all levels
  • Internal differentiation
  • Interference
  • Testing
  • Consulting on the production of materials and development of materials

On request we give other workshops in the field of methodology and didactics.

Please ask for our brochure on courses and workshops.

Explanation to the individual offers:

  • 10 lessons of 45 minutes, spread over 4 dates
  • 15 lessons of 45 minutes, spread over 6 dates
  • 20 teaching units of 45 minutes, spread over 8 dates
  • 25 lessons of 45 minutes, spread over 10 dates
  • 30 lessons of 45 minutes, spread over 12 dates
  • 5 lessons of 45 minutes (in one day)
  • 10 lessons of 45 minutes (on two days)